Sunday, April 3, 2011

Some Philosophy about Vegan Cooking

     I went vegan a few years ago after reading Skinny Bitch by Kim Barnouin and Rory Freedman (they totally rock- check them out If you're not a vegan, you might wonder why people would willingly eschew animal products from their diets. I used to make fun of vegetarian friends of mine, using the logic that humans are at the top of the food chain and therefore have a right to eat whatever and whoever they want to.
     However, the meat industry is pretty gross. Animals suffer, the environment suffers, people suffer. Check out for more information. If you can't go without meat, dairy, and eggs, that's fine by me- however, I would recommend buying local and organic products.
     So... what the hell do we eat, then, if not meat? Isn't meat good for you? Don't people need the protein? I'm sure I'll post more about it, but I truly believe that consuming animal products is not necessary for a person to be healthy. This blog is all about the amazing things that vegans eat.
     Whether you mesh with my philosophy or not, cooking is totally worth it! We live in a culture where people are disconnected from the production and preparation of the food that they eat. Case in point: my family of origin was eating at Cracker Barrel, and my incredibly goofy father asked our server if these were, indeed "chicken eggs." The server didn't know, and offered to ask her manager! Our bodies are comprised of the food that we eat, and many of us have no idea what is in that food. When you cook for yourself, you know exactly what you're eating. You put it there. Cooking brings nourishment to our bodies, fun activities into our homes, wonderful smells to our kitchens, and creativity to our brains. Sure, it takes time. But once you realize the ways cooking benefits you, you'll find that COOKING IS TOTALLY WORTH IT!!!

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